Xgov-113 - Thurstober Wallet Enhancer - Asset Details and Atomic Swaps

Wallet Enhancer - Enhancement! In this proposal we want to add in Asset Details for when you click on an asset and it will show the asset details along with the metadata information. In addition, you can go on another wallet, select assets, and set up an atomic swap transfer.

id: 113
period: 3
title: Thurstober Wallet Enhancer - Asset Details and Atomic Swaps
author: Joseph Glenn (@loafpickleWW)
discussions-to: xgov-113 - Thurstober Wallet Enhancer - Asset Details and Atomic Swaps by LoafPickleWW Ā· Pull Request #113 Ā· algorandfoundation/xGov Ā· GitHub
company_name: Thurstober Digital Studios
category: Tools
focus_area: User Onboarding
open_source: Yes
amount_requested: 20000
status: Final


Wallet Enhancer - Enhancement! In this proposal we want to add in Asset Details for when you click on an asset and it will show the asset details along with the metadata information. In addition, you can go on another wallet, select assets, and set up an atomic swap transfer.


The team at Thurstober Digital Studios (xGov Periods 1 and 2 Awardees):

LoafPickle - Project Manager. I have 10 years of Project Management experience working in NYC on large scale construction projects. In addition, I am a long timer in the Algorand NFT Space and have been helping develop utility projects on the chain since May 2021. I am currently the Head of Strategy and Community for Thurstober Digital Studios.

ByKewel - Tool Developer. Kewel is another Algorand NFT long timer that was the first to create wallet holding, sales, and listing discord bots that projects were able to incorporate into the ecosysytem. They also built the first on-chain DAO tool back in February 2022.

Jenna (thurstober) - Project Lead.

Andrew (stablehand) - Lead Developer

Experience with Algorand

All of us have been in the Algorand NFT Space since May 2021. Thurstober Digital Studios has built a full horse racing utility series and our body of work with The Laboratory (Formerly Evil Tools) speaks for itself.
Website: https://thurstober.com/
Laboratory Website: https://labs.thurstober.com/
Wallet Enhancer: https://we.thurstober.com/
Open source Repo: GitHub - thurstober-digital/evil-tools

Present Proposal

Asset Details - Show the name of the asset, ASA ID, Unit Name, Creator Wallet, Standard(s), Clawback/Freeze, and all of the Asset metdata for ARC3, 16, 19, 36, and 69 NFTs.

Trades - The ability to easily create a swap of up to 16 assets so users can freely select and trade with each other. This will land on the Thurstober Claims page which is part of xGov Proposal 114.

Future Blueprint

Build it.

Benefits for the community

The benefits are already being realized. When the myalgo hack went down, we quickly created mass add and send tools with Pera integration so creators and collectors alike were able to efficiently move their assets to safe homes. Since then, we have creators thanking us for providing them the tools we wish we had back in the early days of Algorand NFTs.

Additional information

We had been approved in the first and second xGov Round to build more tools. The tools have since been completed and made open source.

In addition to the tooling, we also provide creator guides that allow new creators to get a lay of the ecosystem to help the onboarding experience. You can find them here: LoafPickle ā€“ Medium

wait, you want 20,000ā€¦ TWENTY THOUSAND ALGOS to buildā€¦ asset details page? this sounds like way too much, can u tell us how this will be used?

noticed all ur proposals are for 20kā€¦ funny coincidence im sure

That does sound like a lot! R& already has an amazing detail page.

https://www.randgallery.com/ algo-collection/?address=1160595318

Will the trade tool allow for swapping in terms of any ASA, or is it limited to NFTs/Algo? For instance, could you swap Coop for Akita?

Will there be any sort of swap fee?

Will people need a TinyHorse to use the trade tool?

You mention ā€œThis will land on the Thurstober Claims page which is part of xGov Proposal 114.ā€ Can you explain why these proposals were separated from one another? It seems like they should have been combined. What happens if this proposal succeeds but 114 does not?

Completely ignores swap tool also included in this proposal

It will be used to reduce reliance on third party sites. In addition you can share the link to add the asset. If you own it you can send or opt out of the asset when clicking on it.

Itā€™s all open source as well and our wallet enhancer repo has already been used to improve other dApps.

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See reply above.

In addition thereā€™s no arc36 support and on the rand page you canā€™t do things like send or opt out of the asset.

Their page is also closed source.

Any asa.

No fee.

No need for horse.

I separated them as theyā€™re different tools. I figured the all have a good chance at passing and landing on the claims page would be clean, but if that doesnā€™t pass weā€™ll have a landing site regardless, just wonā€™t be claims.thurstober.com


Iā€™d rather give this money to have rand add ARC-36. They have a beautiful drops page and can easily handle another ARC.

Can you tell us exactly how much of the 20,000 (TWENTY THOUSAND) ALGO is going to each team member, and what other costs you are using it for:

  • LoafPickle
  • ByKewel
  • Jenna (thurstober)
  • Andrew (stablehand)

Exa allows you to send or opt in/out of an asset from their ALREADY EXISTING asset details page. Pretty sure algogem does too.

Let me repeat myself, how much is each one of you taking from the 20,000?

20,000 to ByKewel who is an independent contractor to the project. The rest of the team receives 0.

Give themI added a summary of our mission for all three proposals here: The Laboratory ā€” xGov 3. An overview of xGov 3 Proposals byā€¦ | by LoafPickle | Feb, 2024 | Medium

How many hours will it take ByKewel to build it?

If this is so valuable, why not build it and charge for it?

Finally, can you provide the total amount of XGov youā€™ve already received, and the exact outcomes in terms of usage, users, that all the money you got produced?

The NFT community is barely getting by as it is. Each day is a struggle. Not good to pass this cost off to starving artists, silvio_rules ā† Iā€™m trying to reply to that persons comment who says to charge people for this service.


Itā€™s a small amount of Algo for a huge impact. More free time for both creators/artists and the end users who donā€™t have to opt in.

Another win win for the community thanks to Thurstober The Lab LoafPickle.

Vote to fund, make NFT life easier for us degens.


Appreciate all of the support MJ!

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Maybe 20,000 ALGO is a small amount to you, so perhaps you can donate it so the XGov money will actually go to something of public value, rather than someoneā€™s successful business.

@silvio_rules What would you rather see the 20k ALGO go to? You do know that this is ALGO already allotted from the foundation to help out projects. Would you rather all this ALGO go back to the foundation? Would you want to use the ALGO on Bike Clubs? How would you use this ALGO that is already assigned to xGOV? Give more to a different project? I am all for hearing your ideas. Thanks.

We had been approved in the first and second xGov Round to build more tools. The tools have since been completed and made open source.


  • On discord you mentioned that this feature (xgov-113) was complete but you will apply to get funds retroactively. Why not just release the feature so the community can start using it?
  • Do you have any metrics to back up any claims as to the benefits of your work?
  • How many grants will you apply for in the future?
  • Do you think one-off projects are really going to move the needle forward?
  • The Thurstober brand seems to be chasing grant funding heavily. Why not become profitable as a business instead of building features that donā€™t have any cohesive vision?

ExaMarket has something similar that gets very little traction. I hardly see the need to do 16 x 16 NFT swaps. Are there numbers to show that this is a necessary tool?

Trades - The ability to easily create a swap of up to 16 assets so users can freely select and trade with each other. This will land on the Thurstober Claims page which is part of xGov Proposal 114.

Rand Gallery already does this

Asset Details - Show the name of the asset, ASA ID, Unit Name, Creator Wallet, Standard(s), Clawback/Freeze, and all of the Asset metdata for ARC3, 16, 19, 36, and 69 NFTs.

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I would rather see it go to PixelNode or the AlgoLearn platform. Thurstober suite already has revenue and over 140,000 transactions. They should be sustainable at this point.

But think about PixelNode or AlgoLearn, these are great projects to help the ecosystem! But they have no way to make moneyā€¦ so they are perfect candidates for XGov! They are public good but also need funds to operate, as they are not focused on making money like loafs company!

Would you rather fund libraries or parks (PixelNode or AlgoLearn) or Stores (this proposal with revenue and > 140,000 transactions)?

You keep repeating 20k Algo to make it seem like a lot when itā€™s less than 4 grand USD. We NEED these tools, and we need them to be open-source! At the end of the day, Devs should be compensated for their work. Youā€™re attacking a team that has done nothing but ADD to the ecosystem/community, constantly building and producing!!! Iā€™m voting in favor

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All the tools that have been built for the Lab is free to use for the community. Theyā€™ve open sourced all the work. All these proposals are to build discrete tools to reduce friction in the nft ecosystem. I encourage you to find out more on their github

You keep harping on about 20k ALGO in each proposal. I hate to break it to you but ALGO isnā€™t worth very much in real dollar terms right now. And development time costs real money. Each proposal is a discrete piece of work to build a tool for community/ecosystem use. These tools have been designed to have nearly no overhead and running costs.

In your analogy this would be the same as funding a park or library as it would open and free for use for the community, and said community can then use it, copy it, clone it and make it their own. Arguably PixelNode is not a community asset as it is closed source.

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