xGov-187 - AlgoMinter - NFT Image Generator

id: 187
period: 4
title: AlgoMinter - NFT Image Generator
author: Zachary Minner (@1forh)
email: zach@skycatchfire.com
discussions-to: xGov-187 - AlgoMinter - NFT Image Generator by 1forh · Pull Request #187 · algorandfoundation/xGov · GitHub
company_name: minner.algo
category: dApps
focus_area: NFT
open_source: Yes
funding_type: Retroactive
amount_requested: 25000
delivery_date: 2024-04-06
status: Final


I have developed an app that allows users to generate NFT collections utilizing user-uploaded image data (layers) as well as customizations that offer fine-grain control over the generated images.

The dApp allows the user to upload layer files, set rules for specific traits, preview images based on collection size, and then download the images and ARC69 JSON data necessary to mint them on the Algorand blockchain.


My name is Zachary Minner. I’ve been a Web Developer for 10+ years. I’ve built over 100+ websites/apps through my day job as well as over 10 different websites for Algorand NFT collections.

Experience with Algorand

For the last 2+ years, I’ve been building an NFT community called Shitty Kitties with my wife Haley. Shitty Kitties is more than just NFTs. We have many utilities through our website and our Discord channel that offer users a unique and Shitty experience.

  • Wallet utilities like Mass Add and Mass Send
  • Entertainment/Rewards utilities like casino, raffles, and vending machine
  • Profile look-up
  • and more

I’ve also built over 12 websites/dApps for different Algorand collections as well as Discord bots, exactly to the collections/creator specifications.

I build dApps using Next.js/TypeScript and I’m very familiar with the JavaScript AlgoSDK as well as AlgoNode APIs.

Present Proposal

The Image Generator is the main feature of the app. A user defines “Layers” (ie. Backgrounds, Hats, Accessories) for their project. For each layer, the user can upload as many images as they want to represent different “traits” for that layer.

All of the layer, trait, and image data is stored in a database in the browser’s IndexedDB.

Using all of the different layers, trait images, and other settings the user defined (like collection size, collection name, and trait rarities), images are generated for the user to preview right on the website. This gives the user the ability to do QA on the generated images so much easier than they would be able to when using a script to generate them.

There are also a handful of useful tools such as the ability to create 1/1s within your randomly generated images, fine-tune their collection, and more.

Once the user is satisfied with the generated images, the site allows the user to download all of the images in a zip file as well as gives the user a JSON file of the metadata necessary for the ARC69 specification when minting the NFTs.

The app is free to test out with limited caps on some features. If the user pays 200 ALGO (for a year), they unlock all of the features below:

  • Generate unlimited images
  • Images are downloadable without a watermark
  • Create more than 5 layers and 10 traits
  • Use alternative images for traits

Future Blueprint

  • Implement minting the generated NFTs to TestNet and MainNet directly from the dApp
  • Implement feedback from the Algorand community

Benefits for the community

There’s a huge gap missing in this area. There’s a good amount of Algorand users trying to make generative NFT collections that don’t have experience with Python or other languages needed to write an NFT Image Generation Script.
This task is often outsourced to one of the amazing developers on Algorand, at the cost of the collection creator. This site allows anyone to design and generate their own generative Algorand NFT Collection with ease.

There are a few NFT Image Generator options being developed but I think competition breeds innovation and creativity. AlgoMinter offers a sleek UI, fast and efficient data storage, and my undying support for bugs and later updates to the dApp.

Additional information

I have a proven track record of getting shit done and done well. Building websites/apps and interacting with the Algorand community through Shitty Kitties are some of my greatest passions. I love the work I do here and hope to continue building cool shit for Algorand for years to come.

If you’d like to check out any of the existing stuff I’ve built, you can find some below.

  • Shitty Kitties - Many utilities and helpful features for Shitty Kitty holders
  • Shitty Cities - Companion collection that allows holders to collect and update isometric City NFTs
  • How to ALGO NFT - Helpful information on all sorts of Algorand NFT topics. Working on redesigning and rebuilding this right now.
  • NFT Missions - Aggregates Adventure/Mission style staking from different Algorand NFT collections

Here is a link to the live site! Let me know if you have any questions!

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Where is the market fit for this product?

There are many ways to create NFTs, now with AI it seems to be even easier. Plus creating collections is pretty cheap as it is with many tools like Fiver and others.

Seems like a cool idea. Would be a great addition to your website and to generate revenue but not for Algorand to foot the bill. Should just be done through your own business plan.

There are other minting tools, but where else can you load layers up and have it auto generate a collection? We had something like this with High Forge but they no longer work because they relied on a feature that most wallets don’t support.

I don’t think it really needs a market fit or needs to make a bunch of money. It’s an open source tool for building NFTs from layers that makes creators jobs easier and lowers the barrier to entry. As long as it stays OS anyone can fork a copy if their site stops supporting it.


I agree it is a cool idea, but is it needed? Minner could use this as a business model and make money off of this rather than open source it and have Algorand pay for it.

Look at collections vs creators it’s almost a 2X Of NFTs to creators plus NFTs have fallen off dramatically. The importance of this being created through xGov is almost zero.

I think this is an add on feature to a marketplace and would create a great revenue stream to the website. Not sure why it would be open sourced, it would steal fivers business and make lucrative money. I would support it on an individual level.

Do I think there is a burning need? No. Do I think that a lack of such a tool would be an impediment to attracting new projects if things started popping off again? Yes.

Furthermore, if NFT activity is down, it makes it harder to say they should try to make it a for profit business model. I would prefer FOSS to closed source because then it’s out there for other people to utilize and build off of. Some things just are better as a community resource.


There is a lot of work that goes into creating an NFT collection without using AI or a cheap service like Fiver. Hand-drawing individual layers and then trying to customize a Python script to generate the collection that you want can be a pain in the butt. AlgoMinter makes this so much easier.

The Algorand community can tell when NFTs are AI generated or cheaply made. I’m willing to bet that all of the top NFT collections on Algorand were by passionate artists who hand-drew many individual layers and used a script or tool to randomize and generate them. They didn’t use AI or a cheap service to bang them out.

If we want to attract more users to Algorand, we have to provide tools that make things easier for them. If you’ve never created an NFT collection, it would be hard to judge the amount of work that actually goes into it without tools like AlgoMinter.

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I understand where you’re coming from a real artist stand point. I know how hard it is as my son is an artist with a collection on Algorand and working on his second.

I really like the idea of this service, I was just asking the importance of it based on NFT popularity and how will this one pushed so people know about it.

If it doesn’t get approved this eco is truly truly shitty.

Hi Stitch, your proposal is missing the ###Deliverable section of the template and does not meet the requirements to go live. There are messages pending review on github.

Not my proposal. cc @minner.algo :saluting_face:

Hey @Adri, I don’t see where the messages are pending review on GitHub but I did update the PR and add a Deliverables section with the live URL.

Got it, thanks. I’ve asked @StephaneBarroso to merge your PR so it can be included.

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Hi @minner.algo Congrats on your proposal passing :slight_smile:

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