xGov-196 - TealCraft: Remix like IDE for TealScript


Remix-like web IDE to write, compile, test deploy, and invoke smart contract calls on Algorand using TealScript.


Shivaprasad - Developer

  • 10 years of experience in building web applications.
  • Core expertise in TypeScript.

Experience with Algorand

Developer of AlgoDesk, DappFlow, and PixelNode, contributing to the Algorand ecosystem over the past 2 years.

Present Proposal

TealCraft IDE is a pioneering web-based development environment tailored for TealScript on the Algorand blockchain, akin to Remix for Solidity.
With a focus on accessibility, efficiency, and collaboration, TealCraft IDE eliminates the need for extensive setup, requiring only a web browser such as Chrome.

Why TealCraft IDE?

Zero Setup, Seamless Workflow:
No installations, no complications. TealCraft IDE ensures a hassle-free experience - just open Chrome, and you’re ready to write, compile, deploy, and test your TealScript contracts.

Intuitive and Collaborative Development:
TealCraft IDE boasts a user-friendly interface supporting complete TealScript IntelliSense. The streamlined workflow enables developers to effortlessly create, manage, and share workspaces with a single click.

Instant Sharing:
Share your TealScript contracts effortlessly. TealCraft IDE simplifies collaboration by allowing developers to share contracts and workspaces through straightforward URL sharing.

Not just compiling, you can deploy & interact with your smart contract by invoking its methods. Playground provides an intuitive and easy-to-use user interface to invoke the methods of your contract.

Onboarding Simplicity:
Facilitate the onboarding process for new developers with an easy-to-use interface. TealCraft IDE aims to make the Algorand ecosystem accessible to developers of all skill levels.

Key Features:

Workspace Management:

Create, delete, and switch between workspaces effortlessly.

TealScript Contracts:

Create, import, delete, and rename TealScript contracts with ease.

IntelliSense Support:

TealScript Typings support for IntelliSense, enhancing code completions and suggestions.

Demo Workspace:

A pre-configured workspace for developers to import and kick-start their journey.

Compilation and Error Handling:

Compile TealScript contracts and provide clear error messages on compilation failure.

Output Console:

1. ABI - Display ABI with easy-to-understand UI. List of methods, expand each method, and view the details.
2. App spec- View & download the App spec
3. Programs - View & download approval, clear programs.
4. Schema - View Global & state schema
5. TSClient - Generate TS client and download.
6. Download the source map file

Once the contract is compiled, You can deploy and interact with your contracts. Local temporary accounts are created and you can instantly dispense Algos to those accounts if your connected network is local-net. Select the method, account, and invoke the contract call with a button click. Boxes and foreign arguments are auto-populated using simulate call without any user inputs. This makes the method invocation flawless and quick.

Shareable URLs:

Generate shareable URLs for easy contract and workspace sharing.

Browser Storage:

The initial version stores workspaces and contracts in the browser itself, providing flexibility for developers.

Export and Import:

Effortlessly export and import workspaces/contracts between browsers.

Benefits for the community

1. Onboarding new developers is as simple as just sharing a simple workspace URL containing the contract. instead of asking them to set up everything.
2. The ability to share contracts and workspaces with a simple URL makes it easy to collaborate.
3. Are you trying to invoke someone else's contract? TealCraft makes it easy to understand the application structure like methods(), states etc...

Additional information



Since this is a retroactive ask, can you say whether you already got grants or other funding to build this?

Hi @GhostOfMcAfee

I have not received any grants or funding to build this.


Awesome. I thought that was the case but wanted to be sure. This seems like the perfect example of what retroactive grants should reward.

Thanks for everything Shiva.

I have checked the IDE website looks clean so good job on that.

Now the real question, do you have any data on how many people are using your tool and how does your tool co-exist with the algokit?