Hi Nik, you can join again anytime. I’d recommend you read the xGov Guide, to better understand the process, before you do.
Hello Adri.The last question that I want to clarify, since I did not find a clear answer for myself on the xGov Guide website. This concerns the loss of remuneration. It says here “if you fail to vote, you will lose your xGov status and forfeit your share of Algo in the Term Pool (or Term Pools, if you joined more than one Term Pool)”, and it seems to me that a clarification would not hurt here, which would reveal in more detail the loss of remuneration for the current vote and all past votes. Example: if the governor successfully passed in all ten voting sessions and and missed the eleventh session of voting, then the reward for all 10 successful votes and 11 will be completely lost. Is this true? And one more clarification. Is it true that if the governor did not miss the 11th vote, then he will be able to participate in the 12th vote and will be able to receive a reward for him only in a year? Also after that he will be able to continue voting in other sessions?