Dapps that arent finance related

I think dapp developers are too fixated with making finance dapps even with the games. I think there needs to be a focus on making dapps that dont have anything to do with investing. Imagine if all apps built on top of android and iOS were all finance apps! Blockchain has so much potential for a lot of other things besides finance. I think thats why crypto communities are always on edge because they are constantly checking charts or prices due to their investment in ALGO and dapp tokens.

Would be nice to use some dapps where money doesnt come to mind. (I mean maybe paying montly memberships in USDCa to use the dapp to help with updates/maintenance.) Im all with financial freedom but there is more to the world than money. Imagine people investing in all Android/iOS apps, sounds crazy, huh?
Well thats the mentality of dapps on blockchains. We need variety in the dapp space. Its key to mass adoption.
People need to able use these dapps without ALWAYS thinking about the network its on, price action, liquidation or impermanent loss.


I agree there isn’t enough experimentation with non-financial use cases beyond tutorials. I think this may be because the trends in DApps come from Ethereum where every transaction needs to be worth the high gas fee. Algorand doesn’t need to follow the Ethereum DApp trends. Fortunately, I’m starting to see a slow deviation from the Eth way of doing things on Algorand. The Algorand ecosystem is slowly forging its unique identity.

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blockchains are not intended for general purposes, non-financial and non-payment system-related applications while they may exist would be very rare. An example is the logging of sports or health data. The blockchain is a ledger, so the application will have to be ledger-based at the very least. However, who builds a dApp will also need a business model, and with financial applications this is an easier task

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What about usage of persistant data storage? For example for auditing or voting purposes? The onchain decision making does not have to be finance related…

Have you seen www.vote-coin.com ?