goal node start
Command ‘goal’ not found, did you mean:
command ‘gol’ from deb growl-for-linux (0.8.5-8)
command ‘gcal’ from deb gcal (4.1-3.1)
Try: sudo apt install
If you’re on Ubuntu, you may want to follow those instructions instead:
If you’re not on Ubuntu, you need to add the folder where you installed the software in the PATH.
See the info note:
Add the following exports to shell config files. Hereafter, goal will default to using $ALGORAND_DATA as the data directory, removing the need to specify -d ~/node/data in every command.
Nodes have been verified on Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora, Raspbian (Raspberry Pi 1-4), openSUSE Leap, Manjaro, Mageia, Alpine, and Solus. Other modern distros should work as well.
Create a temporary folder to hold the install package and files.
As @Maugli said, either prefix goal by ./, i.e.e ./goal.
Or, even better, update your PATH as indicated in my post above.
The documentation assumes that your PATH is set up properly.
If you do not know what the PATH is, please read the article linked in my post above.