Staking on algorand

@Adri is there some timeline when the staking on algorand will go live?

I am asking because the next gov period is comming up, and i have not catched any news yet regarding it… What will be the best solution to maximize the APY returns for algo holders?

was this last period for gAlgo? are we going to get rewards if we keep the algos on our accounts and make them online? or are there some third options?

Hi @scholtz, John hasn’t shared the release date for the consensus upgrade yet, but we have been told it will drop in Q4.

I cannot provide advice about maximizing returns. You should discuss strategies with the community.

gAlgo is a Folks Finance product, and I’m unfamiliar with their plans; perhaps check on their discord.

are general governance rewards going to be available in Q4? (locking in next two weeks, and getting rewards in january)

Yes, GP13 started overnight with 22.5M in rewards.

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I thought it was 16.8M.

22.5M includes Targeted DeFi

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