xGov Guide [Post Alpha Pilot]

Governance and xGov: What’s the difference?

Algorand Community Governance comprises two programs: Governance and xGov.
The programs differ in terms of participant eligibility and the measures that participants are required to vote on.

Anyone who holds algo can participate in Governance, while xGovs qualification criteria is being redesigned now that the first (Alpha) phase of the xGov pilot is complete.

How to become an xGov

‍During the pilot, Governors who opted in as xGovs had their rewards accrued from Governance deposited into the xGov Term Pool following the end of the each GP. This rewards deposit equated to their xGVP. Each Term Pool is locked for 12 months while the xGov Term is in session.

Term Pools Unlocking Dates

Term Pool 1 - 30 June 2024 - Payout scheduled for 3 July 2024
Term Pool 2 - 30 September 2024
Term Pool 3 - 31 December 2024
Term Pool 4 - 31 March 2025

xGov Responsibilities

Vote in every session: Once you have opted in, your tokens are locked for 12 months, and you must vote in every session in order to redeem your deposited Algo. As an xGov, if you fail to vote, you will lose your xGov status and forfeit your share of Algo in the Term Pool (or Term Pools, if you joined more than one Term Pool).

Stay informed: Proposals can be found on the GitHub xGov Proposals Repository. You may not be an expert on all of the issues that xGovs are required to vote on, so it’s important to DYOR ahead of voting.

Join the discussion: Review proposals with fellow xGovs on GitHub and the Algorand forum. Anyone can read the discussion, but you will need to make an account on each of these platforms in order to leave comments.

Checking your xGov Status

As an xGov, view your xGov status through the xGov Portal by connecting the Algorand wallet you used for Governance when you opted into the xGov Program or your nominated controller address (available from Term Pool 2 onwards).

xGov Status Page: https://xgov.algorand.foundation/status

xGov Portal: https://xgov.algorand.foundation

The xGov web portal was developed as the first minimum viable product (MVP). It comprised a smart contract that manages the voting sessions and recorded the results on-chain, and an xGov status page that displays Term Pool balances and voting history.

Alpha Phase - Voting Sessions Results

Voting Session 1
Voting Session 2
Voting Session 3
Voting Session 4

How to navigate the first xGov dashboard

To view the xGov dashboard, you first need to connect your wallet. (Note: If you connect your wallet but are not an xGov or connect the wrong wallet, no data will appear.)

Once your wallet is successfully connected, your xGov stats will appear on the dashboard.

You will be able to see:

Related ARCs

ARC-33 Becoming an xGov
ARC-34 xGov Proposal Process