Algorand indexer set up Issue

@fabrice hope you are doing well !

i have an algorand archival node which has been successfully running , now i want to set up an inxeder on top of it . so i followed the docs at - Install the indexer - Algorand Developer Portal . some how the steps are not super clear. Below are i am outlining the steps and adding the errors what i got . Any guidance here please

  1. Installed postgress v10.x.x in ubuntu v18.04
  2. Link followed to set up indexer - Install the indexer - Algorand Developer Portal
  3. downloaded the tar file from - Release Algorand Indexer 2.15.0 · algorand/indexer · GitHub ( algorand-indexer_linux_amd64_2.15.0.tar.bz2 ), unzip it and ran the bellow commands
  4. ./algorand-indexer daemon -P “host= port=5432 user=postgres password= dbname=template0 sslmode=disable” --no-algod

./algorand-indexer daemon “host= port=5432 user=postgres password= dbname=template0 sslmode=disable” --algod-net=“:” --algod-token=“”

second command i tried to connect my existing algo node , but both the above commands resulting in below issue :

Error: {“error”:“indexer data directory was not provided”,“level”:“error”,“msg”:“indexer data directory error, indexer data directory was not provided”,“time”:“2022-12-08T13:48:15Z”}

Can you please help here or let me know if any extra info is needed.

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The documentation on indeed needs to be updated.

Now, you need to follow: GitHub - algorand/indexer: searchable history and current state
In particular, Postgres 13 is needed and you need to have a data folder that is specified as argument.

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Hello @fabrice . We still have the same issues . but we are not using postgress v13 but v15 . Will that cause any issue.

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Did you specify the option --data-dir with a valid data directory when calling ./algorand-indexer daemon ...?
See indexer/ at develop · algorand/indexer · GitHub for requirements for data directory.

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