ASA verification 1245322723

I verified the Labrador ID1245322723 token in the perra wallet Labrador (1245322723) on Pera Explorer , but the token is not verified in algoexplorer. The only article on medium says that you need to log in to the site; on this site, login does not work through any browser. How to verify a token on

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7 scammers have already emailed this post and no one on the forum who could explain how verification works on algoexplorer with the Sign in button not working

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I’m afraid Algorand don’t have any control over AlgoExplorer, I’d recommend reaching out to them directly here.

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If you want to waste your time, yes

Algoexplorer could simply retrieve the information from Pera, as all other services do, but at the moment it seems like an abandoned project, which by some miracle still keeps the servers up

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Hi @labrador I totally agree, there is no consensus in the community or a standard for token verification, and the information that is available in many cases is ambiguous or unclear. I think it should be a very important discussion as it would help to have a more secure community.