I used apt package manager to install the Algorand Node on an Ubuntu Server. I set it up with A Wallet and added 30k Algorand to the wallet.
I set up the participation key and registered it.
$ goal account listpartkeys -d /var/lib/algorand
Registered Account ParticipationID Last Used First round Last round
yes TX42…P3U YVSMLR62… 46825869 45345165 48345165
I have a balance in the wallet
$ goal account balance -a TX42 -d /var/lib/algorand
30018576012 microAlgos
I did the goal clerk sign
but I still show
“Staking Rewards Not Eligible” on Allo Explorer
What am I missing?
Allo Explorer shows
Total Balance over 30k
28 Blocks created
6961 Blocks cleared
Status Online
Eligible Stake Account Yes
Incentive Fees Paid No
“Staking Rewards Not Eligible”
Do I need to pay the fees? How do I pay them?
Thank you