Incentive Fees Paid No

Hello, I have a partecipation node active from some times, i saw Algorand updated the Allo explorer with a new field where you can read more informations about the current status of the node, also if it is elegible or not to receive the staking rewards.
I can see that my node have:

Incentive Fees Paid No

I’ve done the registration of the Partecipation Key with the Biatec Wallet, i think now rebranded in A-Wallet.
When my Partecipation Key expire and i create a new Partecipation Key, how can i pay this 2 Algo fee to be eligable to receive the staking rewards, through the Biatec/A-Wallet ?
If with this wallet is not possible to do it, can someone explain me the steps please?




This feature was implemented over last week and deployed yesterday.

There is the checkbox to register for staking which will take 2A network fees. However please watch out that the staking protocol must be first in place and then you can register. Check this conversation in discord - Discord

The staking protocol will be live today

Time remaining: 6 hours, 17 minutes, 24 seconds
2025-01-23 06:02:10 PST
2025-01-23 09:02:10 EST
2025-01-23 14:02:10 UTC
2025-01-23 15:02:10 CET
2025-01-23 22:02:10 CST
2025-01-23 23:02:10 JST
2025-01-24 00:02:10 AEST

Also note that the AWallet was rebranded to Biatec Wallet, but it still works under the old domain as well.


My node is up and running, I correctly configured the account and the public key, and the stake amount is approximately 31K. However, I’m not sure who to send the 2A for to activate the rewards. I followed the discussion on Discord, but it’s not clear to me. I don’t use A-Wallet or Pera, only command line, suggestions?

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Maybe you went online before the staking incentive took effect?
Try to go offline, wait 320 rounds, then try to go online again.

If you use Biatec Wallet, then make sure that you set the checkbox “Register for staking”,
then press “Custom KeyReg tx”. After the key generation, press the “Make account online”.


When did the rewards system start? I went online yesterday with a new account.


P.s. I don’t use A-Wallet or Pera, only cli on my node.

ChatGPT generated answer, check if it is correct:

1. Check the Node Status

Before proceeding, ensure that your node is running and synchronized:

goal node status -d /path/to/node/data

2. Generate a Participation Key

A participation key is required for an account to participate in consensus. To generate one, run:

goal account addpartkey -a <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> -d /path/to/node/data --roundFirstValid <START_ROUND> --roundLastValid <END_ROUND>

### 3. Register the Participation Key

Once generated, the key must be registered on the blockchain:

goal account register-partkey -a <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> --fee 2000000 -d /path/to/node/data


3. Change online status

goal account changeonlinestatus --address <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> --fee 2000000 --firstvalid <START_ROUND> --lastvalid <END_ROUND> --online true

4. Verify Participation Key Registration

To check if the participation key is correctly registered, run:

goal account listpartkeys -d /path/to/node/data

5. Restart the Node (if needed)

To ensure your node recognizes the new participation key:

goal node restart -d /path/to/node/data

Staking started at block 46512890, see

Fee of 2 Algo is a one time “incentive” fee. After you pay it, you can get offline, and online again, wo paying it again.

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I missed the --fee , so now remove the key and restart the process.


p.s register-partkey isn’t a valid command for goal

this is correct : goal account changeonlinestatus --address= --fee=2000000 --firstvalid=… --lastvalid=… --online=true

Thanks for the correction!

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Now , it’s OK :slight_smile:

Thank’s guy :slight_smile: